Latest Update 30/8/2024
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This website is dedicated to the Residents of Lancing, a Community against crime, promoting a safe, secure and friendly environment in which to live and work.
The panel is made up of Residents of the Wards of Churchill, Mash Barn & Widewater, who meet with Local Councillors, NHW Coordinators and the Community Policing Team.
Members Sign in here
You may have a “Neighbourhood Watch Scheme” in your street.
To find your Scheme, ‘click’ on the logo above & select your postcode:it’s as easy as that.
Maybe your Street doesn’t have a NHW Scheme. Why not become a Coordinator yourself ? This is not an onerous task and can be as easy or involved as you want it to be.
Being a Coordinator simply empowers your street with you becoming a contact point and a representative of your Street at the Panel Meetings.
More…. about Neighbourhood Watch
The old stereotype of Neighbourhood Watch, “peering through windows, curtains twitching” is very wrong for one very simple reason-because it implies fear.
Modern NHW is about precisely the opposite, making sure that no one feels afraid, vulnerable or isolated in the place where they live.
It’s about people looking out for each other, crossing barriers of age, race and class to create real communities that benefit everyone. The most impressive Neighbourhood Watch achievements result from members looking closely at the needs of their communities and meeting them with innovative and creative thinking.
Research has shown that Communities where NHW operates become more friendly and cohesive and experience a fall in crime!