Minutes of Lancing Community  Panel

Monday 5th  June 2017 at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Peter Backus, Pam Gavan, David Hansford Chr, Sidney Hilsum, Wendy Peters, Alan Robb, David Swanwick Jackie Swanwick, Dinah Wheatley, .

(9 present )

Apologies: Cllr Ann Bridges ,Pam Davey ,Cllr Gloria Eveleigh, Ann & Collin Goodridge, Daren Holiway, Inspector Alan Lowe, Doris & Steve Martin, Desiree Merican , Robin Monk, Caroline Pusey, PCSO Rachell Silver.



David Hansford welcomed every one to the the meeting, apologies for absence were made and minutes of the last meeting were presented.

Report from Sussex Police

We will no longer have the presents of  Sussex Police at our meeting. This is part of the new reactive policing policy.

DH has been advised that Police will come to our meetings if there is a specific problem in our area.

A discussion took place on the new method of operation, other problems in Lancing & how Neighbourhood Watch is changing to fit in with the new way of working.

News from NSL Parking

Problems were discussed with Camper Van Parking in Elmstone Close.

Worthing Court Cases

These were available at the meeting and passed round, with Tm Drew's NHW Herald Notes.

Chairman's Report

(DH) reported on his attendance at various meeting

Neighbourhood Watch Federation Meeting in Lewes 22nd March, 24th May 2017

NHW Alert Training Day 11th April

Joint Action Group Meeting 25th April, 23rd May 2017

Keep Lancing Safe  Meetings 28th April 2017

East Worthing Community Panel 16th May: Interesting Presentation  on the Rampion Wind Farm, (DH) gave a brief description about the Talk.

Matter Arising

(SH) requested an explanation of the new police Reactive Policing Model.

DH Gave a full description of how the New Alert System would operate.

Traffic Lights at Lions Farm - Sompting Avenue not working correctly.

Concerns were raised about the new Monks Farm Development. Many new house to be built before the new road is in place, plans still to be finalised.

Drug Survey all the information collected, bags do not count under the government criteria, no particular concentration on Monks Recreation ground.


What happening about the skate park. Built and completed.

(PB) Any news on the return of the news letter. (DH) Survey of  5000 sent out do you want to keep the news letter,  180 replies in total  of those  81 were for lancing not every one could be identified as their name could not be read from the returned slip.

Web site

Our site is now up and running  viewable at www.lancingnhw.org.uk You can view Minutes of our meetings with numerous links including :

Sussex Police

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioners New Letters

Lancing Parish Council

West Sussex County Council

New Monk Farm Development  

A27 Speed Warning Board

No further progress to date. (DM) said Highways were still investigating the problem.


Scam Books, NHW membership application Forms & Window Stickers were available at the meeting.

Date of next meeting: Monday 4th September 2017  7pm Lancing Parish Hall, Bar Area.


The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.     

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