Minutes of Lancing Community  Panel

Monday 4th September 2017 at 7.00 p.m.

Present:  CLLr Gloria Eveleigh, Pam Gavan, David Hansford Chr, Sidney Hilsum, Wendy Peters, Alan Robb, Gerry Sheppard, Dinah Wheatley, .

(8 present )

Apologies: Paul Abbott, Peter Backus Cllr Ann Bridges , Ann & Collin Goodridge, Daren Holloway, Inspector Alan Lowe, Doris & Steve Martin, Caroline Pusey, PCSO Rachell Silver.



David Hansford welcomed every one to the the meeting, apologies for absence were made and minutes of the last meeting were presented.

Report from Sussex Police

Street Briefing took place on the 2nd September at Monks recreation and at Asda on 3rd of September,

News from NSL Parking (Paul Abbott)

We are changing the way we patrol schools, putting a primary focus on a small number of those with the biggest problems, rather than having all the schools in the Worthing & Adur region on rotation. In Lancing, this means we will be focussed entirely on Seaside school for enforcement, which will probably receive daily visits. The hope is that by repeatedly hitting the same school time after time, parents become tired of our constant “harassment” and instead look at alternatives. This rotation will be re evaluated by the Christmas break.

On top of changing the rotation, we will also change our enforcement technique. In the past, we have always instructed Civil Enforcement Officers to arrive at schools before parents, acting as a deterrent to prevent dangerous parking. This hasn’t had an impact. So this term, we are going for a mobile response, meaning we turn up mid-flow and issue PCNs where possible. No more warnings and no more excuses.

However, along with this more hard-hitting campaign, we will also help schools and parents to find alternatives. Working with Adur & Worthing Safer Roads, Sussex Safer Communities Partnership and the charity Living Streets, we will endeavour to help those willing to create an alternative scenario outside schools, helping to set up anything from cycling trains to stop and walk areas, to keep cars away from schools.

Other points to raise are

1.    We are presently looking at working with WSCC and Sussex Police to have a camera car, that would be used only for school enforcement. It would mean anyone parked on zigzags as the vehicle passed would have a PCN posted to them. This seems a safer alternative to CEOs chasing drivers, who may cause accidents as they are focussed on the CEO and not children and vehicles around them.

2.    An alternative to point 1 that is also been looked at is us executing Regulation 10 PCNs. These require only two photos of a vehicle on zigzags, to allow a PCN to be generated and posted.

3.    WSCC is looking at improvements to the restrictions outside schools on rotation. At present, it looks like Adur will be evaluated mid-late 2018, however, along with SSCP we are pushing WSCC to try and do this by spring instead. That way, it would be possible to have any and all changes ready for the start of term in 2018.

Target school to be patrolled as much as possible Seaside Freshbrook Road 08:45 & 14:30

Worthing Court Cases

These were available at the meeting and passed round, with Tm Drew's NHW Herald Notes.

Chairman's Report

(DH) reported on his attendance at various meeting

Neighbourhood Watch Federation Meeting in Lewes

Joint Action Group Meetings ( 3 meetings )

Keep Lancing Safe  Meetings ( 2 meetings

Street Briefing Monks Recreation Ground

Matter Arising

Note from  Clir Ann Bridges

Sewerage From The New Monks Farm Development

I am very concerned about the plans by the developers for the sewerage from New Monks Farm. Under the proposals the bungalow currently owned by Brighton and Hove Albion at 37 Barfield Park will be demolished and the main sewer from the new development will be routed through the property. It will then run into Barfield Park under the Highway running first south and then west into the upper part of North Farm Road where it will join an existing main sewage outlet near the junction with Links Road which is supposed to have spare capacity. The existing sewers that serve the homes in Barfield Park are believed currently to be at full capacity.

Because of the potential issues surrounding this proposed work and its potential long term impact on the residents of the area I have invited Martin Perry from the New Monks Farm Development Limited to a meeting with on Monday 11th September at 7.00 pm in the Parish Hall. Please come along to find out what exactly is happening and to get answers to any questions you may have

New Monks Farm Development & A27

A discussion took place on the benefits and problems on the proposed developments.


(SH) suggested that we should have a list of acronyms so we have a better understanding of some of the reports produced by various organisations.

Damage at Monks Recreation Ground

(GE ) Brought us up to date with the problems at Monks Recreation Ground.

Condition of Alley Ways

(PM) reported that the Alley Ways near Gorden Road are difficult to traverse due to over grown hedges. This can be reported to Adur & Worthing Councill who will send a letter out to the offending property owners, to maintain the boundaries.

Web site

Our site is viewable at www.lancingnhw.org.uk  You can view Minutes of our meetings with numerous links including :

Sussex Police

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioners New Letters

Lancing Parish Council

West Sussex County Council

New Monk Farm Development  

A27 Speed Warning Board

New from (DM) Highways England are in the process of repairing the sign.


Scam Books, NHW membership application Forms & Window Stickers were available at the meeting.

Forth coming Events

Monday 11th September at 7.00 pm in the Parish Hall,   Martin Perry from the New Monks Farm Development Limited.

Thursday 14th September at 7.00 pm in the Parish Hall, Tim Loughton  A27 & New Monks Farm

Date of next meeting: Monday 4th December 2017  7pm Lancing Parish Hall, South Hall


The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.     

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