Minutes of Lancing Community  Panel

Monday 5th December 2016 at 7.00 p.m.

Present: Paul Abbott, Peter Backus, Cllr Ann Bridges, Pam Davey, Pam Gavan, Ann Goodridge, Colin Goodridge, David Hansford chr, PCSO Jamie Honywood, Doris Martin, Steve Martin, Mrs D.Merican, Cllr Robin Monk, Caroline Pusey, Rachel Silver PCSO .            (15 present )

Apologies:  Helen Bubloz, Linda Stopp, Katie Waters, Maria Waters . (4)


David Hansford welcomed every one to the the meeting, apologies for absence were made and minutes of the last meeting were presented.

Report by PCSO Jamie Honywood:

Jamie introduced Rachel Silver our new PCSO who he has been tutoring. Doris asked if new PCSO's will be attending future meetings? Jamie replied officially no, but RS will do as and when she is available. There is no independent PCSO to contact, but if necessary get in touch with DH, but preferably ring 101, or in an emergency ring 999. Ann Bridges asked if RS would be a local PCSO, apparently RS will be covering Adur/Worthing/Horsham along with the other PCSOs all based at Chatsworth Road., AB said it will be a disadvantage, new PCSOs not having local knowledge.  DM felt it was also worrying that more full time Police Constables were leaving the force. JH said recruitment was ongoing. Neighbourhood Policing in Sussex is still undergoing changes. Steve Martin said a great deal of policing is now being carried out with the assistance of IT this was discussed at the Worthing meeting and he felt the Community should have been better informed.

Chairman's Report

DH reported on his attendance at

Worthing NHW AGM 27th October 2016 Guest speakers included Katy Bourne & Howard Hodges

Adur NHW EGM 1st November 2016 when the existing Committee stood down and a new Committee was elected:

David Hansford : Chairman,  Doris Martin Vice Chair, Steve Martin Treasurer,Ann Goodridge  Minutes Secretary, Colin Goodridge Member & Robin Monk Member.

NHWF AGM in Lewes on the 2nd November  2016.


Joint Action Group – Adur & Worthing Safer Communities Partnership 22nd November 2016 held at Shoreham Academy. Matters discussed included Issues at Monks Recreation Ground.

Web site

Our site is now up and running  viewable at www.lancingnhw.org.uk You can view Minutes of our meetings with numerous links including :

Sussex Police

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioners New Letters

Lancing Parish Council

West Sussex County Council

Worthing Court Cases

These were available at the meeting and passed round.

Matter Arising


Jamie Bennett attended a meeting; apparently it is a struggle to find an ideal location. Caroline Pusey has more information regarding this. Funding for this is not available until January 2017 and will have certain restrictions, Rhian Francis at Adur/Worthing Council is dealing with this matter. Information has been gained via NHW about 'hotspots' Lancing has several, but new technology in CCTV means it can be mobile. Maybe private CCTV from businesses could be used as well as, Worthing has a map of public and private CCTV and perhaps NHW could be informed of these subject to data protection. Maybe written consent will be needed. Lancing only has one main camera and more coverage is needed.

A27 Speed Warning Board

Doris Martin reported that she was awaiting an email from The Highways Agency concerning progress, (CP) understands they are looking into a power supply problems.

Parking on Pavements

Robin Monk complained about cars parking on pavements restricting pedestrian access, also blocking the road if its a large vehicle. It was suggested a photo be taken and sending to Operation Crackdown. JH said he and RS would look into this.

CP advised that Operation Crackdown was run by West Sussex Council ,but they were taking down the Phone Number and relying on emails.

A short discussion took place about irresponsible/illegal parking.


Scam Books, membership application Forms & Window Stickers were available at the meeting.

Date of next meeting: Monday 6th March 2017  7pm Lancing Parish Hall, South Hall


The meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.     

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