Minutes of Lancing Community  Panel

Monday 27th January 2020 at 7.00 p.m.

Present:  Anne & Colin Goodridge, David Hansford Chr, Doris Martin,Steve Martin, Cllr. Andy McGregor, Stewart Metcalfe PCSO, Caroline Pusey, Kirless Gaber Raghib PCSO, Stephanie Scott  ( 10 )

Apologies:  Cllr Ann Bridges, Cllr Robin Monk


David Hansford welcomed every one to the the meeting, apologies for absence were made the minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

Introduction: David Hansford introduced Cllr McGregor

Minutes of last meeting : Read and approved.

4.Chairman's Report inc. NHW News: David reported on several meetings he had attended since the last NHW.

(DH) reported on news from his attendance at various meeting and events.

12th June NHWF – Lewes

21st May - 17th June Worthing NHW Committee

4th June Meeting with Sussex Police Centenary House

10th June Manor Ward Panel Meeting

30th April - 18th June – 23rd July 2019 Joint Action Group

28th June - Meet with Chief Inspector Miles Ockwell – Centenary House

5.Councillors news: Cllr Andy McGregor presented an update on New Monks Farm as follows:

"Planning was granted on 3rd October 2018 subject to S108 legal agreement, this is due to be signed off in the next few days. It has been held up firstly by the Secretary of State and further by WSCC regarding school provision and Withy Patch. Work has been started on the development at the developer's risk, apparently to avoid the bird nesting season. Planning permission has not yet been granted to date.

Council building enforcement officers and drainage engineers have visited the site to inspect the works.

Work to the access road is part of the separate planning to BHA practice ground.

The following is planned

1. 1st phase of 249 dwellings, access Shadwells Road.

2. New roundabout - about 1 year in construction.

3. IKEA and remaining 351 dwellings. Cannot be occupied until new roundabout is finished. This could take about 1 year.

When the roundabout is opened, Shadwells Road entrance will be closed to traffic apart for access for emergency vehicles.

IKEA will take 6 to 7 months to construct/erect."

6. Matters Arising: PCSO's for Lancing Stewart Metcalf reported that there are more PCSOs in the pipeline. He introduced a new PCSO who took us through the training required before being able to patrol independently. PCSO Kelly Watson is a dedicated Lancing PCSO along with Stewart Metcalf who is also the Wildlife Officer.

A short discussion took place re: phone scams one in particular 01910433912 Automated call saying they were from Amazon wanting you to press your keypad – advice do not just put the phone down.

Caroline Pusey then reported on Graffiti and its potential for deeper meaning i.e. hate crime and how important it is report this along with drug litter, both are the responsibility of Adur/Worthing but can also be reported to WSCC.

Unsocial behaviour was also discussed. Groups of young people tending to congregate outside of Co-op Lancing and Sompting with some scuffles breaking out.

7.Any Other Business: Covered above

8.Date of next meeting: to be advised

Web site

Our site is viewable at www.lancingnhw.org.uk  You can view Minutes of our meetings with numerous links to other sites. A demonstration was given on where to locate the local crime  statistics.


Scam Books, NHW membership application Forms & Window Stickers were available at the meeting.

Meeting concluded at 21:00

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