Minutes of Lancing Community  Panel

Monday 11th June 2018 at 7.00 p.m.

Present:  Peter Backus, David Hansford Chr, Stephanie Scott. ( 3 )

Apologies:  Helen Buboz, Ann & Collin Goodridge, Sidney Hilsum, Inp Alan Lowe, Doris & Steve Martin, Robbin Monk, Andy McGregor, Brenda Whitmell, Dinah Wheatley. (11 )


David Hansford welcomed every one to the the meeting, apologies for absence were made the minutes of the last meeting were to follow.

Report from Sussex Police No report


Burglaries : April : 1

News from NSL Parking (Paul Abbott) No report

Worthing Court Cases

These were available at the meeting and passed round, with Tim Drew's NHW Herald Notes.

Chairman's Report

(DH) reported on his attendance at various meeting and events.

11th April - NHW – Lewes

20th April - 8th June Keep Lancing Safe – Parish Hall

20th March  – 17th April - Joint Action Group

17th May Ford Recycling Plant.

22nd & 23rd May Churchill Ward Street Survey.

Matter Arising

Development Monks New Farm – Revised plans was discussed.

A27 Speed Warning Board East bound is now working, but the West Bound has failed, this will be reported to Highways England.

Web site

Our site is viewable at www.lancingnhw.org.uk  You can view Minutes of our meetings with numerous links to other sites. A demonstration was given on where to locate the local crime  statistics.


Scam Books, NHW membership application Forms & Window Stickers were available at the meeting.

Meeting concluded at 17:50                                  Date of next meeting: 24th September 2018

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