Minutes of Lancing Community  Panel

Monday 21st January 2019 at 7.00 p.m.

Present:  Steve Creed, Pam Davey,  Cllr Gloria Eveleigh, David Hansford Chr, Cllr Robin Monk, Stephanie Scott, Nicholas Tsiringakis ( 7 )

Apologies:  Peter Backus, Ann & Collin Goodridge, Sidney Hilsum, Maurice Lee, Insp Alan Lowe, Doris & Steve Martin, Danny Jackson, Carol Harris. ( 10 )


David Hansford welcomed every one to the the meeting, apologies for absence were made the minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

Worthing Court Cases

These were available at the meeting and passed round, with Tim Drew's NHW Herald Notes.

Chairman's Report

(DH) reported on his attendance at various meeting and events.

14th November - 9th January AGM NHWF including a Tour of the 101 Call Centre – Lewes

2nd November & 11th January 2019 - Keep Lancing Safe – Parish Hall

16th October - 20th November & 15th January 2019 Joint Action Group

A short presentation was given by (DH) on Loan Sharks and what can be done to help those affected.

News from Councillors

Gloria Eveleigh leader of Lancing Parish Council reported that the damage to the Toilet Block at Monks Recreation Ground ground would not be repaired and will remain closed.

Matter Arising

(SS) reported that there had been shed fires on the Mash Barn Estate

Web site

Our site is viewable at www.lancingnhw.org.uk  You can view Minutes of our meetings with numerous links to other sites. A demonstration was given on where to locate the local crime  statistics.


Scam Books, NHW membership application Forms & Window Stickers & Halloween Posters were available at the meeting.

Meeting concluded at 20:30                                 Date of next meeting: 29th April 7pm

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