MCW Community Panel

Draft Minutes

Meeting Held Tuesday 10th May  2016 at 19:00 at Lancing Parish Hall

Present :


Peter Backus

Mr A.E Banks

Cllr Ann Bridges


Mick Clark

Pam Davey

Mumin Elshahri

Anthony Fisher

Pam Gavan

David Hansford

Darren Hollaway

Richard ….............

Jamie Honywood PCSO




Maurice Lee

Doris Martin

Mrs D Merican

Katie Waters

Maria Waters

Brenda Whitmell

Co Chairman


Apologies :,

Anne Goodridge,Colin Goodridge,Sidney Hilsum, Liz Haywood,Steve Martin.+... …

Welcome & Intro.

Minutes of last meeting

Report by: Jamie Honeywood  PCSO

Jamie confirmed that the combined  meetings will continue due to good attendance.

Following a review, a vote needs to take place for the Chair Person and Minute Taker for ongoing meetings. To be fair any one who has attended a panel meeting in the last 4 years will be entitled to vote via email,mail or phone.

PCSO roles change 4th July

Finalised PCSO role, less around Sussex, 10 on shift at any one time, team from Worthing covering Lancing Shoreham & Horsham.

Katie Bourne continuing her role.

New scam book available 3rd edition.

Events at local banks

Crimes:Data :

Number of arrests, issues last Friday tested Worthing Lancing to the limit, under 18 teens hanging around the streets.

Urinating in gardens Culver Road.

Violent crime at William Hill North Road 11am robbery escaped down Culver Road in to twittens.

Two fatal accidents on A27

Shoreham music festival June voted most popular music event in the county

Same policing as last year.

Some discussion about the Air Show Accident

Willow Park Access Problems discussed, parks vehicles. Mike Clark nothing can be done at the moment, must work on enforcement, for new yellow lines do it on line, then goes to a local committee, two actions a year allowed, Roger Harper consultant looked into the matter.

Congestion coming due to wind Farm Work Western Road.

How many wind screen claims have there been after chipping of coast road, Mike Clark to find out.

Local Events:

Wiston Steam rally 2 days 9 - 10th  July

Lion Summer  Festival 30-31 July

Worthing Carnival August Bank Holiday

Wild life festival 11th 12th June

12th June Coronation Green Shoreham, lunch & tea party to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday

1- 6pm Beach Green picnic with band

Any other business:

Business Park : parking permits Brooklands 20 New places  @ £ 300, Seafront 50 places

Next Meetings 19:00 28th June 2016 Lancing Parish Hall.

                         19:00 13th September 2016 Lancing Parish Hall

                         July date cancelled

Meeting concluded : 20:30

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